Monday, February 18, 2013

The hulk

My son the hulk! We've been battling a cold all week. No one tells you how much sick days change when you have diabetes. Man this blows!
Julien has been a mess! I feel as if I have been covered in boogers 24/7. My ear drums are blown out from the constant mommy mommy. And my emotions are all over the place. The hulk is coming out of him in more ways then one, with those higher numbers and ketones comes one angry baby, your making me angry!!! You won't like me when I'm angry!! Well that part isn't true but he is being quiet mean!
I am having a sort of emotional battle in my head with why him since his diagnoses back in September , I've read this is called "diabetes rage" lol perfect . Now that my baby is sick and seeing how miserable he is makes me so much more bitter. Being that he is baby number three , before he got T1 he got the whole chicken nugget , no need to cut that in itty bitty pieces, no need to be careful with germs either give that snot faced baby a hug ! Not anymore, my lax days are over , not with the nugget - he'll be fine ha! But germs they are my arch enemy now. I can't say eh it will build his immune system. Now I have to be super cautious and hope everyone around me and in our lives will do the same. Because what sniffles are to a non d kid could mean hospitalization to mine. Just looking at his sad face now makes me incredibly sad.
Yet in between the high blood sugars and the terrifying ketones, coughs and boogies, he still finds time to make me look at him in awe. How incredible he is that through the 20 pokes in his blood stained finger tips he powers through it all like a champ ! Strongest baby ever!


  1. I use almost all toes for bg checks for my son. I almost cant bear to poke his tender fingers any more. also I use the bg meter with the least amount of sample needed. It gets way easier after a year or so. We got the dexcom. This has pretty much taken away every ounce of worry from D. also many fewer bg checks needed. God bless and good luck! I was WAYYYYYY stressed out at first too. Now its become pretty much just an annoyance.

    1. Toes!! Yikes ! I don't know why that sounds worse to me, he doesn't even flinch when I yet him! Although I can see those red dots on his fingers from all the pokes makes me tear.
      I haven't looked into the dexcom but I do here a lot of good things about it. Is he on the pump? Which one?
      Thanks so much for reading and for your comment!

  2. No my son does not want a pump and I don't like the idea either. However many people really love it so don't go by us. We use nano pen needles which are tiny. There is a humalog pen that does half units too. However pumps can be really great for small doses which can be helpful esp for little ones. I love the dexcom because I can just look at it anytime day or night to see his bg.. Heck I can see his bg every minute if I want and he is in the other room! Our house is stacked rather than wide so I can be two floors down or up from him and have the dex on me and it still reads his bg. He has never complained about it and says it does not hurt.. if it did I would not like it. It saves him pain because it means fewer bg the way if you are using lantus or levemir I doubt ketones will be much of an issue. I mean its possible but unlikely.. of course starvation ketones happen and maybe mild to moderate. But to a dangerous level.. probably never gonna happen.

  3. Sorry if my last post seemed anti pump. I am 100% for it.. no a zillion percent for it.. for anyone who likes it!! I think folks should do what works for them when it works for them and don't think what we do is best for anyone else! Dexcoms.. pumps.. meters.. pens.. and all the other stuff that is used and things that are about to be invented are all tools to keep us healthy and make life easier as far as I'm concerned and I am thankful we have them!

  4. Personally I can't imagine life without the pump!! I am one of the few lucky ones that was put on it day 3 in the hospital! He was dx'd when he was just above a year old so the idea of chasing him around the living room everytime he eats or needs a correction!! Ugg I can't imagine! When I have to use the pen , I cringe , the needle feels like I am stabbing my baby with a thumb tac , we use the animas one touch ping. Which my amazing boy has been a dream with , he is breaking fashion trends at just 20 months old with a fanny pack lol but he never touches or bothers with it at all!! When he was in the ICU and they were throughing all the math at me and saying I am basically in control of his life.. I nearly died right there so the pump definetly works for us!! I am considering the omnipod because of the whole cordless thing and it doing the stabbing for me! Have you watched the omni pod video? It's amazing!! Right now site changes are a two person job. He is just to wiggly. But besides the flinch (cringe!!) of the poke of the site needle.. He doesn't even notice!! And doesn't seem bothered by it at all.
    Do you mind me asking why your child doesn't want the pump? I am still very new to the d life and I just can't picture wanting to have multiple needles vs one teeny one just in there to change every two days.. Plus the math ! Lol As for the Dexcom, I worry it's another needle in my baby's tiny body, but I am seriously considering it bc of the obvious benifits. I miss sleep and this would certainly give price of mind.. Thank you so much for responding. The support from other D parents is amazing!
