Saturday, July 13, 2013

No sleep for the restless

I Read the funniest picture/quote, it said..
"You know your a parent of a diabetic when they grow up and move out and you call 911 when they don't call you for two hours" 
All I can say is dammit . Damn you diabetes. You have stolen my zzzz's forever. Ever miss something so much you want to cry ? That's me and sleep. I don't even remember what it was like sleeping through the night. With every shake or every time I roll over at night I find myself first checking his Dexcom and then the video monitor , if I can't clearly see his chest move up and down... Well now I am truly screwed because now I have to sneak in his room and make sure he is indeed breathing. Sounds silly but this my life. I'm considering investing in a mini mini fridge. Lol not a mini fridge , I want smaller, like one or two bottle size. I can't tell you how hard it is to wake up to the low alarm and have to stumble down the stairs with my contacts (which I am sleeping in every night now) stuck to my eyelids , blinking over an over , making a bottle and then stumbling back upstairs and strategically wedging that bottle into his mouth without waking my sleeping angel. It's a task that happens all to often that I wish I could wake my sleeping husband and just get a quick high five for a job well done.. Although usually when I see him soundly sleeping after waking several times to the low alarm, high alarm, battery alert.. So forth, I more often then not want to high five his face. 
Just sitting and staring at his sleeping baby body I can't help but think he will never get to be completely free. I will be up his ass for eternity .. Like it or not. We are glued together .. Forever. 
Sleep is for wusses anyways. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer with diabetes

So summer is crazy with diabetes. You know that giant diaper bag you pack for beach days or pool outings? Mine just tripled. Feels like I have 20 kids... But I don't I have 3 . One of which has type one diabetes. So I have to make sure I have all of his diabetes supplies, in coolers , not touching the ice or too cold but cool, lol. And of course Backups to the backups of the backups just incase! A huge bag of goodies because when Julien is active his numbers drop. 
We went to great adventure hurricane harbor and I caught his dexcom right before it fell off! I was feeling so accomplished !! Though shortly after when I was bolusing him his PDM wouldn't connect, move closer it kept saying  (i was so close to him i could have been in him!! lol) and sure enough his pod is gone!! I'm wondering where it fell off and what the person who found it is thinking it is!! Haha! 
Such a relief that we have the omnipod though , beach days and the pool are next to normal without having to worry about disconnecting and running high. I've now mastered the art of stickerover usage   lol my baby is so stickered up..nothing is falling off him now!
Plus he can run around naked if he wants !! And who doesn't like doing that! Haha!

Friday, May 17, 2013

The terminator!

My son is a cyborg. I'm good with that. He has barely any real estate left on his miniature baby body but he is getting better everyday because of his "machines". We have him on the omnipod now which is amazing . He seems to feel the site changes much more then before... Which is the one and only down side. He jumps when the needle pushes in the catheter. But doesn't notice it's even there after. His BG's have been so much better. Imagine a baby having headaches and feeling just sick all the time , I feel as if that is the life he was living since September . High blood sugars can cause you to feel very sick and his were always high, with the combination of the omni pod and the dexcom he is able to actually be a toddler. With the warmer weather I have actually let him run around naked! Which seems like a small feet to most but with a corded pump and a baby.. Diaper changes/outfit changes had to be quick as to avoid him noticing that cool thing attached to a 2 foot long rope that has so many buttons and oooo it lights up when you press buttons!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


My life has forever changed. And it's no ones fault. This is my reality.
It's funny how no matter who I talk to , friends , family, acquaintances .. They all give me there support and there love. But that reality isn't quiet there for them until they see his site. It seems like it's not real until they see that needle is his little baby bottom that all of a sudden in the split second .. The "o my gods" set in. I don't know if I myself will ever get used to this new life of ours. One thing I do know for sure is that everyone's understanding does mean something to me. That isn't something I am willing to settle on. I want my family, my friends, and yes even my
Acquaintances to understand and to know the reality behind type 1 diabetes. It is incredibly important to me.
Not one person I have spoken with or to has any idea what type 1 is or even that there is more then one "type" of diabetes. Let me clarify here an now. My not-even-2-year-old is connected to a pump that is connected to a needle that is in his skin 24/7 , (needs to be changed every 48 hours!) he will never grow out of it!! It will never get better! The medicine he takes is life support and without it he would cease to exist. He has a auto immune disease. it just happens. No one knows why or what exactly causes type 1. It is in no way related or connected in any way to poor diet..or Lack of exercise ! It has ZERO to do with type 2 diabetes, he cannot ever just take a pill or eat better!
I intend to be a advocate for my son forever and always and will try my hardest to kill the stigmata attached to type 1 so that all that come in contact with my wonderful boy understand what it truly means to be him. This is my reality.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Diaper bag or Medical supply wasteland

I so miss the days when I opened my diaper bag and all that was on the bottom was half eaten crackers, tissues, or change! Now a days I have lancets, alcohol wipes, test strips AND half eaten crackers, tissues & change ! So depressing. My bag weighs a ton. Why I don't have arms of steel I have no idea! I have to carry with me the entire drug store! Not only do I have the usual diaper bag must haves, but now it's accompanied by the extra test strips, alcohol wipes, extra lancets, lancet device, glucose meter, backup glucose meter, batteries for the pump & meter, everything for at least two site changes .. which means ALOT of medical supply's! A insulin pen and extra pen needles. And my utmost least favorite , as if there is a favorite .. The glucagon. This is the just incase my baby doesn't wake up I have to stab him with this giant needle and pray he wakes up shot.
Cleaning out my bag was a bad idea, enter cloudy day mood.

Monday, February 25, 2013

French frys are the devil

Yup I said it. Not only do they make you hate mirrors or anything reflective that you would be able to see yourself in and regret every last delicious salty French fry. But they also jack the sugar up! Julien is without a doubt on a no french fry diet from now on! Those things are so mean! No matter what time a day no matter before or after bolused he jumped nearly 300 after only a few frys! I'm done having mini panic attacks waiting for a high after a fry! I am this boycotting the frys!!
This could be a good thing, there not really all that good for you or my ass..

Thursday, February 21, 2013

To omni pod or not to omnipod

Alright my baby is not even 2 yet an might as well put that scrunchie in his hair. The pump belts are ridiculous!! Not only do I have to change it sometime twice a day because of nap time diaper disasters!! How can pee go upward?! But have you seen the prices? They are $30-$40 EACH after shipping ! So besides the whole fashion No-no.. The summer ... Ugg the summer is coming in a couple months!!! I get nervous disconnecting for bath time.. What about the pool or omg the beach?! Sand?!! And no more feety Jammie's!! What if my son decides to suddenly notice the cool toy attached to him in a handy dandy pouch if he is always zipped in! This looks like a fun cord .. Maybe I'll pull it or better yet chew on it! Oooo the nightmares! So omni pod just seems like a good move for me. What's not to be enticed over? Not only is it cordless, but it's also the "the stabber" so I don't have to be! The video from omni pod is crazy!! So you put it on you like a sticker, and from the PDM (handy remote !) you tell it what to do and it stabs your kid for you!! He doesn't seem to notice besides the one second flinch, but I cry scream ball freak out all in my head everytime we do a site change. So the idea of someone taking over that job, sign me up! Plus no more disconnecting, he could go deep sea diving with it on if he wanted , not that he would he is a toddler but still , he has the option. So I still have more research to do but I am certainly leaning towards omnipod..